Data and Analytics Services (DAS)

Enhancing existing data and analytics strategies and providing the execution to give companies a competitive edge

QualRisk’s Data and Analytics Services provides clients with a review of existing data and analytics strategies and execution, including assessments of current use-case priorities, the quality and optimization of proprietary internal data, the robustness of external data strategies, the quality of the underlying technology enablement for data strategies, and the quality of the client’s data and analytics culture, particularly the level of front-line support and commitment to the company’s data strategy. Specifically, QualRisk assists with:

Diagnostic and Evaluation

QualRisk works with clients to provide a rapid evaluation of their current data and analytics strategies and environments, highlighting changes in investment levels that may be required along with benchmarking and changes in each of the ten areas of QualRisk’s data and analytics diagnostic review.

External Data Review

QualRisk’s extensive experience in the external data markets provides clients with a clear assessment of their current external strategy, and specific recommendations for actions they can take to both improve the value derived from their current external data suppliers as well as identification of additional external data providers in their markets.

Business Transformation Through Enhanced Data and Analytics

In certain situations, changes to the data and analytics strategy will lead to the need to change broader aspects of a client’s business. QualRisk works with clients in these settings to change their business models to adapt to the changing data and analytics environment in their markets.